
Cows and Schafer Farms have been synonymous since the beginning.

We are proud of our long history and proven success in the beef industry, specifically with the Gelbvieh and Balancer breed. This experience continues to help us position you, our customers, in a way that allows you to utilize your purchase to have the greatest success in your own operation.

Want to know more? Give us a call: 651-380-0645

We first introduced Schafer Farms genetics into our program about 15 years ago. Since then, we have always kept coming back to Schafer bulls. We feel the growth, fertility, disposition, and efficiency of our herd goes back to the strong Schafer genetics we have been using. The genetics clicked with our program and advanced the quality of our cattle. The cattle have been good to us, but the networking and relationships we’ve gained by doing business with the Schafers is the most impactful on our operation.
— Keim Family, Spring Valley, MN

2025 Sale Bulls

Again this year we’ve decided to sell our bulls individually by private treaty, with the highest quality you’ve come to expect. We are leaving our bulls in their “working clothes” and letting our genetics and track record speak for themselves. Check out the Yearling and Aged Bull data and pricing below!

Call us today to discuss the bull you would like to see in your pasture this breeding season. 651-380-0645

Your business success is our priority, therefore, our bulls are:

  • Performance Tested

  • Semen Tested

  • DNA Information

  • Guaranteed

  • Discounted Delivery Program

  • Housed Until Needed

  • Volume Discounts & Deferred Payments

Bred females for sale

We put a strong focus on females that will meet the quality standards for genetics, phenotype, and disposition that our customers have come to expect. Today, we look to serve you in multiple ways.

  • Through availability of young, bred cows that have proven to produce quality offspring as replacement females for your herd. We eliminate your largest risk, which is breeding and calving out heifers for their first year.

  • By offering our female buy-back program and cooperative marketing of each season’s calves.

  • Through conversations with individual customers to understand their needs and the ways we can best meet those unique needs.